Living with Purpose LLC
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." -Confucius

Hey there everyone!
When I was in the third grade, I wrote an autobiography that garnered a highly coveted A+. I can honestly say that is when I got the writing bug along with some degree of confidence that words were my allies. However, that passion became more of a sidekick in positions I've held over the years. Please don’t mistake what I’m saying. The written word was always woven into my responsibilities in some inextricable way but never quite as much as I truly desired.
Now, as I venture into another new chapter, I am excited to embrace, engage, and explore my love affair with words. You could say that I am hankering to share what I have experienced and learned on my path to present. I’ve been blessed to wear many hats in my lifetime...cabaret singer, training executive, human resources specialist, dance troupe member, voiceover talent, visual artist and traveler to 95 amazingly unforgettable countries. All of this has created so many stories that I’m ready to bring to life in my blog, along with the other pages in my website. Hence, this native New Yorker has landed on your doorstep with high hopes of expressing myself in a way you may appreciate.
Thanks for stopping by!